Reynolds Forestry Consulting

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Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Estate, PLLC provides specialized forestry services to private timberland owners on over one million acres from Texas to Alabama. We ensure landowners maximize their aesthetic, recreational, stewardship and financial timberland returns based on their individual goals and objectives. Our clientele receive an average of 10% real returns on their pine plantations after cost and before taxes.

Reynolds Forestry is headquartered in the coastal plains of southwest Arkansas in historical Magnolia. We are pleased to announce Reynolds Forestry won the 2010 Arkansas Small Corporate Humanitarian Award for its community involvement (click here for more info). President, Teddy Reynolds, is also the host of “Timber Talk” radio show heard at and 2010 Columbia County Tourism recipient, past Arkansas Forestry Association Communicator of the year and two time forester of the year for Ouachita Society of American Foresters and Arkansas Timber Producers Association.

With a select staff of five professionals featuring varied licensing and degrees in forestry, appraising, GIS mapping, real estate, wildlife, business and computers; we are small enough to provide individualized services while large enough to provide timely and specialized expertise.

Professional forestry services provided: 

 Timber Management: manage and administrating all forestry services to ensure each landowner attains their individual goals and preferred returns. Timber management includes 30-year plans, inventories, return analysis, timber marketing (selective thinning and final harvests; lump sum sealed bids and pay-as-cuts), reforestation (tillage, genetic selection and natural seedling, planting administration and competition control), intermediate treatments (pre-commercial thinning, release sprays and fertilization), cost-basis establishment, boundary lines, access, wildlife management and hunting lease administration.

 Timberland Appraising: with a “Certified General" appraising forester on staff we are licensed to appraise all real estate including FDIC insured loans. Our focus expertise is agriculture including timberland, recreational, pasture and agronomy. We also specialized in condemnation appraisals (eminent domain).

 Timber Inventory: determine the species, trees, diameter and heights in a forest and report the corresponding volumes, weights and value for the timber products.

 Timber Sales and Marketing: inventory and distribute bid prospectuses on timber sales to achieve the highest market return; and administrate sale closings.

 Real Estate Sales and Marketing: we have a real estate broker and experienced realtor on staff to market all types of real estate (land, farms, homes, etc.).

Real Estate Closings: administrate real estate closings for buyers and sellers within 30 days.

Timberland Acquisitions: inventory, appraise and determine the net present value for timberland investments; purchase price based on comparables and/or buyer’s desired return rate utilizing discount rates.

 Timber Management Plans: prepare management plans prescribing forestry practices, treatments, thinning and harvests scheduled over 30-years. Plans specialized for intensive pine plantations or natural regeneration.

 Forest Cash-Flow Analysis: prepare cash-flow analysis that outlines forestry expenses and dividends resulting from 30-year management plans.

 Forest Return Analysis: calculate internal rate of return by stand and total ownership based on cash-flow analysis and 30-year management plan.

 Forest Return and Growth Models: develop models that mathematical and empirically illustrate and verify the biological growth and financial return impact of each forestry practice.

Aerial Maps: prepare and provide aerial maps with stand, boundary, topographic and road overlays using Google Earth Pro and/or ArcGIS 10.2.

 Timber Supply and Demand Studies: analyze and report on timber growth, supply and consumption within geographical market area.

 Timber Market Surveys: determine past and current timber prices and respective trends within a specific market area.

Third Part Audits: verify quality and accuracy of work performed by contractors and foresters (service providers, consulting and industry).

Advisory Counsel: we advise, counsel and assist landowners during estate planning while working with family members, accountants and tax attorneys.

Litigation: research and serve as expert witnesses in special forest related cases in state and federal court.

Empirical Studies: plan, establish, collect, verify, and report specialized case studies.

Education and Presentations: formally and informally educate landowners individually and groups on specific and diverse forestry practices and issues.

Wildlife Management: integrate timber management with wildlife management. 

Our services to landowners  are available either based on hourly rates, sale commission, per-acre-rate or project rate, depending on clientele preference. To learn more, please call or email:


2315 North Vine / P.O. Box 1129

Magnolia, Arkansas  71753

PHONE: (870) 234-0200 FAX: (870) 234-0089

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Revised: July 14, 2016 . Designed by Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Estate, PLLC