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Holliday 3-Tracts Timberland Sale Ouachita County, AR

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Lucy 75


Timberland Investment Sale - Southwest Arkansas Coastal Plains

Columbia County, Arkansas

List Price:  $175,000


 This 75-acre property offers a well-rounded timber investment with a mix of fast-growing planted pine and mature natural hardwood giving a diverse combination with both short and long-term investment potential.      


                                                                                                                                                                                                 st1: 41 acres; planted pine age 11; 500 trees per acre 

                                                                                                                                                                                                 st2: 2 acres; planted pine age 11; >1000 trees per acre 

                                                                                                                                                                                                 st3: 11 acres; planted pine & natural hardwood age 11 

                                                                                                                                                                                                 st4: 19 acres; natural hardwood age 64 st5: 2 acres; roads/decks/etc.








Aerial Topo 

Soil Report


Location Map

 USA Location Map






















Direct link to Google Map  



Boundary: White RFC flagging/painted; established GLO boundaries, no new survey provided.

Legal:    40.14ac FRL NW¼ NE¼; East 35ac SE¼ NW¼ Section 05, Township 19 South, Range 21 West, Columbia County, Arkansas containing 75 deed acres, more or less      

Location:     Columbia County, in Southwest Arkansas.


Offers:       Offers received by fax, email, mail, in-person and phone. If you need assistance in determining bid based on desired return rate (discount rate) utilizing custom growth-yield model, email or call; all your information is confidential.


ReservationMinerals reserved and seller reserves right to reject any and/or all offers.


Closing:     Within 30 days of acceptance, administered by RFC&RE. Earnest of 5% within 5 business days of acceptance. Title insurance, revenue stamps, and closing admin fee divided equally. 2024 Property Taxes prorated. Closing costs increased by buyer paid by buyer (10% per annum daily prorate fee for buyer closing extension). No other terms exist outside this document unless duly executed by all parties. Submitted offers (verbal & written) are legally binding to all terms stated in this prospectus and deviating party responsible for reimbursing legal costs related to ensuring compliance.


Disclosure: Reynolds Forestry does not guaranty boundaries or volumes.


Contact:, or Colleen’s cell 870-299-0978, Teddy 870-299-0977 with questions, tour, or investment advice.


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